High Bun On 4C Natural Hair

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Hey’s, today’s post is on this high bun that I was able to achieve on my 4C hair. This up-do is very easy and simple to achieve on medium length natural hair.

Items needed to achieve this hair style are:

A soft bristle brush

water in a spray bottle

Some hair gel

Hair pins (1 or 2)

A hair band/tie

I started off on semi stretched hair to be able to put my hair in this up-do. I then brushed my hair in an upward direction towards my crown to make it easy for me to hold my hair in a bun.

I also used water to make my hair more manageable and gel to make it lay down. Once I had tied my hair using a hair band, I used a pin to secure the ends. Here’s the tutorial below.


Lots of Love

Akinyi Fiona


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